Continuous Security Testing

watchTowr’s Continuous Assurance engine leverages the comprehensive tactics, techniques and vulnerabilities used by real-world attackers, today.

Continuously find exploitable and validated ways to compromise your attack surface, with the watchTowr Platform.

Attackers don't just use CVEs.
Leverage the watchTowr Platform to understand how a real attacker would compromise your organization.

Full-Spectrum Attack Techniques

Mimicking the persistence of real-world attackers and ransomware gangs – the watchTowr Platform utilizes the full-spectrum of MITRE ATTACK Initial Access tactics and techniques.

Continuous and Validated Testing

Using data correlation, and tiered attribution confidence systems, the watchTowr Platform can automatically attribute assets to your organization with confidence – not requiring continual manual intervention.

World-Class Threat and Vulnerability Research

watchTowr’s industry-leading Threat and Vulnerability Research capabilities fuel the watchTowr Platform’s Continuous Assurance engine.

Discover exploitable ways to compromise your attack surface.
